strive for achieving excellence through continual improvement

We are a team of qualified standards auditors.


Benefit from a seasoned team

benefit of accreditation

Minimizing disruption to your institution

Global accreditation

We bring a truly global perspective

Our Accreditation Programs

Educational Certification Accreditation

Foster excellence in higher education with ISAC’s College Accreditation. Click to kickstart your accreditation.

System Certification Accreditation

Foster excellence in higher education with ISAC’s College Accreditation. Click to kickstart your accreditation.

Product Certification Accreditation

Foster excellence in higher education with ISAC’s College Accreditation. Click to kickstart your accreditation.

Mission and Vision

our Mission and Vision


Benefits Of Accreditation

Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance

ISAC accreditation acts as a seal of approval, assuring students, parents, and other stakeholders that your institution meets or exceeds established standards for quality education. This instills confidence in the educational process and outcomes.

Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance

ISAC accreditation acts as a seal of approval, assuring students, parents, and other stakeholders that your institution meets or exceeds established standards for quality education. This instills confidence in the educational process and outcomes.

Global Recognition
Global Recognition

ISAC accredited institutions gain global recognition for maintaining high standards. This recognition can be crucial for students seeking international opportunities, as employers and educational institutions worldwide often prioritise candidates from accredited institutions.

Global Recognition
Global Recognition

ISAC accredited institutions gain global recognition for maintaining high standards. This recognition can be crucial for students seeking international opportunities, as employers and educational institutions worldwide often prioritise candidates from accredited institutions.

Access To Funding
Access to Funding

Many funding sources, including government grants and private foundations, often require institutions to be accredited. Your ISAC accreditation demonstrates your institution’s commitment to quality education, making it more eligible for financial support.

Access To Funding
Access to Funding

Many funding sources, including government grants and private foundations, often require institutions to be accredited. Your ISAC accreditation demonstrates your institution’s commitment to quality education, making it more eligible for financial support.

Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement

The ISAC accreditation process involves self-assessment and external evaluation, leading to a continuous improvement cycle. Institutions are encouraged to identify areas for enhancement and implement changes, fostering a culture of ongoing self-reflection and improvement.

Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement

The ISAC accreditation process involves self-assessment and external evaluation, leading to a continuous improvement cycle. Institutions are encouraged to identify areas for enhancement and implement changes, fostering a culture of ongoing self-reflection and improvement.

ISAC Membership

Unlock Your Institution’s Potential With ISAC Membership

Unlock Your Institution’s Potential With ISAC Membership. Invest in your institutions future without financial strain and reap the rewards of belonging to a prestitgious international community dedicated to educational excellence. Join us today and embark on a journey towards success.